Story of Theme
Welcome back, WeUs has returned and is better than ever, this month we have brought you another issue of our magazine and we hope you enjoy. This month, we have selected the topics of happiness and humor as our main theme. In choosing this theme, our talented team of writers and creators drew inspiration from international holidays, and for this month we found April Fool’s Day. Just like April Fool’s, we here at the WeUs Magazine hope to bring a smile to your face and share some of the joy and bliss found at our school.
We have picked some of the best student works and we hope that you will enjoy them. This month our magazine contains many new and exciting sections as well as some sections from the last issue. We have the artist feature, which features our principal Mr. Aiello alongside our friend and peer Angel Zhang. We also have another memory lane section that takes you along a historical ride about the origins and stories of April Fools. Furthermore, under the My SPAS section, we created a story on the house games of SPAS and the elusive house cup.
Next comes the section on Imagination, with several interesting and heartwarming stories, some of which comes from our creative writing class, and we choose to call this category Imagination because we here at WeUs see storytelling as an imaginative and creative way to communicate one's thoughts and we hope that by reading these wonderful stories that more students will choose to write their own stories and show the world their creativity. Many students here at SPAS feel very passionately about art and other forms of expression, this is why in our passion section you will find many wonderful artworks and photographs, all of which have been taken by our peers and teachers.
Seeing that April is also National Poetry Month, we have also devoted a section of our magazine to poetry. In this section, you will find the innermost emotions of many students and we hope that you will appreciate these expressions of yourself. Lastly, we have included an interesting Sudoku puzzle and Finding Differences, and the first 10 people to complete it and contact us will receive a secret prize. We once again hope that you enjoy our magazine, and be sure to check out our next issue in May.